A is doing well. She saw the neurologist yesterday for nerve conduction tests for her left arm (she's a lefty). She does not have any evidence of diabetic nueropathy but she does have something wrong in her neck. She is scheduled for another MRI on Monday. This is qualified good news; Something physical rather than biochemical. She fell in January
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A's neighborhood participated in the city's Earth Day cleanup. The city dropped two dumpsters - one for trash and one for yard waste in the neighborhood. Volunteers arrived around 10 to start cutting the dense overgrowth along the grassy alley along A's property. Five hours later we are taking truckloads to the community dumpster. We would stop
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I ate my first asparagus spear from the garden. Alas, it did not survive to be photographed. It joined parsley, spring greens, thyme, oregano, and early carrot greens in my stomach as I worked in the garden beds
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Well, let's start with me. I mostly test ENTP which makes total sense as a creative and productive scientist. In management/control situations, I test ESTJ/P which also seems accurate to me.
Now, what would you think if I told you I believe A is primarily an INFP?